Author: Tony

Match Arrangements – Macclesfield NYD

The NYD game will be segregated, as it was last year.

Macclesfield supporters will enter the ground via the turnstiles at the bottom of our car park, behind our Social Club. They will then occupy the bottom half of Tinkers Stand, behind one of the goals, round to the start of Leigh Street stand.

This will give access to Big Als Corner, where they will be able to purchase food and alcohol at Big Als Tea Bar and Big Als Bar. Also, in that corner they will have access to male and female toilets.

At the end of the game, Macclesfield supporters will be required to exit the ground via the gates at the swimming baths end, into the leisure centre car park, by exiting along Leigh Street stand. This will lead them into the car park where there will be limited parking and where any coaches will be parked. Spectators will be subject to bag searches and pat-downs on entry by stewards.

For this match – entry into the Club’s main car park will be restricted and reserved only for Match Officials, Directors, Match Sponsors & those reserved for mobility reasons. 

We remind ALL supporters that parking in the leisure centre car park is limited and on a first come first served basis, and that some surrounding streets are residence parking only. So, supporters generally should either travel on foot, by public transport or park away from the ground.

Away Tickets can still be purchased via

Be advised that Big Als Bar operates a self pour system using App2tap, which requires downloading of the App2tap App. Which requires an onboarding process, including age verification using a photo ID. It is advised that anyone wishing to purchase alcohol at the Big Als Bar should download the App and do the onboarding process prior to the match day to save time. The poster below explains the process and also contains the QR code to download the App.



Season Ticket Prices Reduced

As we have reached the half point of the season we have reduced season ticket prices by half.

An ideal oppotunity to purchase one as a Christmas present.

This means prices are now

Season Ticket Standing

  • Adult £110
  • Concessions £72.50
  • 7 to 17 £40

Season Ticket Seating

  • Adult £112.50
  • Concessions £80
  • 7 to 17 £47.50

There are 2 ways you can purchase your season ticket.

  1. By downloading the FanBase App from your App Store. Creating an account and searching for Hyde United and adding it. You will then be able to purchase a season ticket, by going to the “Schedule” open on the menu bar. Once you have purchased your season ticket, it will be stored in your FanBase App wallet, ready for you to present at the turnstiles.
  2. Via the FanBase website Once you have purchased your season ticket, you will receive an email with your QR code, to present at the turnstiles for scanning.

Information For Visiting Supporters For App2Tap

At Hyde United our outside bar operates the App2Tap system.

This is a self service draught beer and cider system that is used via the App2Tap App.

To save time prior to visiting us its advised that visiting supporters who wish to have the ease of being able to purchase a beer whilst still watching the game, should download the App, do all the setup steps, to save time.

Done it a few simple steps

  • Download the App
  • Register
  • Do the age verificaiton step (requires photo ID, driving license or passport)
  • Add a payment method

Download the App from your App Store using this QR code








Or searching for App2Tap in your mobile devices App Store and installing the app with this logo






Important Information On Social Club Membership Scheme

In a recent meeting, the Tigers’ Club Sub-Committee reviewed the current Tigers’ Club Members Discount Scheme.

It was agreed that the discount scheme should run on an annual basis in line with the season and our accounting year, i.e. from 1 June to 31 May. The scheme would then be in line with season ticket holders who get Tigers’ Club membership as part of their season ticket package.

All current memberships will expire on 31 May 2025. Current members who purchased via the FanBase App need not do anything, but should note that no further payment will be taken on the renewal date.

Fans who still wish to join the membership scheme to qualify for discount in the Tigers’ Club and the new App2Tap machines in Big Als Bar, can do so by purchasing a Tigers’ Club Season Ticket, either on the Fanbase App, instructions below, or via the website using the link:

Those using the App will get a QR code in the Apps wallet to show that they are a Tigers’ Club Member. Those purchasing via the website link will get an email confirming they are a member which they can show to prove they are a member.

To get discount on the App2Tap machines a member will require a discount code that will need adding to the App2Tap App, to get this discount code you will need to send an email to and provide your Name as it appears in the FanBase App and the email address you used in the FanBase APP. Once activated, your purchase will automatically apply the discount.


Tigers Club Bar Prices

The Tigers Club Committee has been reviewing all aspects of the running of the club, with a view to ensuring that it runs effectively and profitably, and ultimately improves the experiences of its members and visitors. In the longer term, work is planned to change the roof structure to eliminate the channel which has resulted in leaks from time to time, and to providing new toilet facilities.

Running costs have increased exponentially in recent years – heating, lighting, non-domestic business rates, water rates, insurance, maintenance, staffing etc – and we’re always striving to provide a service to our supporters, and hopefully make some contribution to the football club as a whole.

Recently we have been looking at the bar prices, and note that some products, particularly cans and bottles, are barely profitable. For members these products have been sold at £2, which give a gross profit margin below that which even not-for-profit clubs would expect. This price has been in place for at least six years, and is not sustainable. From this weekend the price of cans and bottles will increase to £3 for members, with an uplift for non-members.

Draft beers and ciders and other products are not as significantly under-priced, and will be reviewed over the next couple of weeks.

Even taking these prospective price increases into account and given our experiences on our Away travels, please be assured that we will still compare very favourably to the prices charged at other grounds.

At the last match we introduced the App2Tap dispenser in Big Al’s, and although we had some initial teething problems, these have been addressed, and you can now obtain a nice cold draught pint whilst still enjoying the match.

October Holiday Courses

We offer fantastic fun filled Holiday Courses all year round for boys and girls aged 5-11.
These courses are designed to be fun and enjoyable, whilst giving children the opportunity to practice and develop an array of football techniques through practical drills, exercises & small sided games.

These sessions see players engrossed in action packed themed mornings leading on to World Cup style tournaments in the afternoons.

Players will be split into age specific groups and will have plenty of opportunities to win prizes and awards for various activities such as ‘crossbar challenge’ and ‘penalty shootouts champions’ throughout the course.

The cost of the course/s are £15 per day




All children attending should bring along football boots or astroturf trainers, shin pads, suitable clothing for outside training, a packed lunch and plenty of fluids (no fizzy drinks).


All holiday courses run from 9am to 3pm. Registration starts at 8:45am and parents must sign in their child at the registration desk each day.

Holiday Coaching Course Form

App2Tap Discount Codes For Members & Season Ticket Holders

Last week we announced that we installed 2 new App2Tap self serve machines in Big Als Bar, dispensing Madri and a Carling Dark Fruit, see the article here. There were some teething problems, but we believe these have now been resolved.

Currently Members and Season Ticket Holders get a discount in the Social Club when making a purchase on certain products.We are now extending the discount for Members and Season Ticket Holders to these machines, so if you use them a discount will be applied to a purchase.

To obtain the discount a discount code has to be applied to the App2Tap App. We have created a discount code for every Season Ticket Holder and Member, these discount codes are unique for each person and can only be used on one App2Tap account.

Over the next few days we will be emailing out to every Season Ticket Holder and Member, whom we have email addresses for, whcih will be anyone that purchased their Season Ticket or Membership via the FanBase App, to give them their discount code. The email will also contain instructions on how to apply it to the App2Tap App.

There are a number of Season Ticket Holders and Members, whom we don’t have email addresses for, those are the ones who purchased theirs over the phone, on in person at the Football Club. For those people they can obtain their discount code by requesting it from the Football Club in person. A list of names and discount codes will be produced and you can ask the following people for it, you will have to provide your email address when doing so;

  • Tony Spencer
  • Andrew Deacon
  • Pete Ainger



Big Als Outside Bar – Moving To App2Tap

As of our home game on 19th October our outside bar, Big Als Bar, will be self-serve pouring of pint or half pint of Madri and Carling Dark Fruit.

We are installing two App2Tap units into Big Als Bar which will be self pour and contact less payment, as long as you have the App2Tap app on your phone.

To save time on the day, we suggest that you download and install the app prior to Saturday. You will need to add a payment method to the app and also go through the age verification process by providing photo ID.

The App can be downloaded from your app store using this link, , or searching for app2tap in your app store.