Don’t miss a fun filled day at Ewen Fields Stadium all in aid of CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) this Sunday, 14th July.
As well as the charity football match taking place, Lee’s United v Chappy Un-Athletic who will be playing for the Lee Randall Memorial Trophy, lots more will be going on;
- Tom Cassell Aka syndicate will be there so come say hello
- SLBC FIFA Tournaments uk will be there, come along show how good your skills are on Fifa
- We have lots of stalls with people selling there amazing products
- Evolution Smart – Brian Mcmanus will be showing off his smart repairs business, come down and see what he can do
- Bulldog Valeting & Detailing
- Beat the goalie penalty shootout, come down and see if you can score on the Hyde United Turf
- Face painting by Regan Brierley Was Winstanley
- We have a live band the Rubber Duck playing from 3pm in the social club
It all kicks off at 12pm till 5pm
The Tea Bar will be open throughout the day for refreshments.
£1 for children & £2 for adults on the turnstiles.