In The Red

The Football Club are delighted to announce that we will be slowly replacing the seats in the main stand with red ones as part of our Seat Sponsorship Scheme.

One of the reasons for this, is that we are having issues sourcing the exact some seat as the current blue ones we have.

We hope to have the front row of seats, in front of the tannoy box and the directors lounge (not the Peter O’Brien Lounge) replaced with red ones soon.

So we don’t have red seats dotted around the main stand and to make changing the seats easier and quicker, we will be doing a row at a time as seats are sponsored.

The good blue seats we take out when we put our first row in will be used to replace the broken blue ones further back in the rows.

The quicker people sponsor a seat the quicker we can get the main stand back to all red seating.

So go to our promoted news item and find yourself a seat to sponsor.